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Take a look at this limited-time offer (only available on this page)…

Claim my $1,422 Gift for You

Supercharge your business

in 60 minutes and Have the Roadmap to Landing New Clients THIS Week

It’s been 15 years since I started my business…

Before that, I was working 60-hour weeks as a secretary on Broadway, and the theater industry glow was fading. And I felt like I was going nowhere.

I knew how to plan. I had strategies. Working Broadway wasn’t all for nothing. But I just couldn’t shake this feeling that I was missing something…that A-HA moment…

And now here I am. Bad idea after bad idea leading to monumentally GREAT ideas…

And I have since helped over 30,000 new, up-and-coming, and veteran business owners on building long-lasting, profitable companies.

Clients like…

Nan booked her first paid gig after just 2 weeks of networking using many of my reliable methods

Or Terry and Christine, who doubled their income in a matter of weeks after working with me

And then there’s Anne…before working with me, she had only 15 sign-ups in 4 years, but just recently had 30 new clients from ONE masterclass

You can have every idea in the book, but if your drive and ability to capture attention are lacking, you’ll keep going in circles.

What made the difference for Nan, Terry & Christine, and Anne?

They chose the savvy way. And the savvy way involves 3 core components:

Been wondering why you and plenty others struggle to see reliable results?

You’re only focusing on ONE crucial piece… But you need all THREE for success!

Compelling Business Strategy

Choose strategies that have proven results with almost any prospect i.e. following up with past leads, having tactical offers, etc.


This means getting organized, spotting potential clients, and uncovering exciting opportunities through referrals, speaking engagements, social media, etc


Ignite attention just by being you and sharing YOU and making sure to make the most of your network

If you need help putting these pieces together for your own business, keep reading…

I’ve spent the past 15 years getting a lot of things wrong (which is then how I started getting things RIGHT) that allowed me to build my own business to 7 figure success. And now I want to pass on the tried and tested skills and methods I’ve discovered into The Confident Closer: The Fail Proof Method for Landing and Loving Clients THIS WEEK, the best program for driven entrepreneurs.

And I have a gift for you…

I want to pay your cost so you can experience The Confident Closer for 2 weeks plus VIP upgrade to Inspired Speaker Live – all for just $77.

The entire The Confident Closer program is valued at $1499, but I’m offering to give you access at a STEEP discount.

Here’s what you’ll get:

This is a No-Risk + Win-Win Investment

And $40 is all you need

And it’s a one-time payment. No recurring payments or fees.

I’m covering the rest of the $1422 cost.

And you’ll get a two week access

I’ve got all the steps to get your business across that 6 or even 7 figure line

And if that’s the vision you have for yourself and your business, I can help.

No More Wasting Time or Money on Techniques that Will Never Work

I’ve helped all types of businesses…


And more!

This works for ANY Business That Needs:

Clients & Sales!

Looking to scale quickly? You have to make fast decisions.

So you already know if this will work for you.

Go with your gut. Join us where everything just WORKS.

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