Join New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Evans for




How to Understand & Overcome The # 1 Toxic Trait That is Stopping Your Success.

About a month ago, I spoke to a room of over 200 coaches and self-improvement gurus…

And what I said rocked each and every one of them to their core!

What did I say that had jaws hitting the floor?

“You Can't Learn Confidence.

You can ONLY Unlearn Embarrassment.”

You can ONLY

This flies directly in the face of what so many of these gurus and coaches teach and yet….

After the event almost every one of them (including the organizer of the event) came up to tell me the powerful impact that had on them.


Because, certain ideas feel deeply profoundly true!

Even when they CONTRADICT what you have believed for a long time.

If you’ve found yourself

struggling with:

A Crisis of Confidence:

Discover why typical confidence advice - from affirmations to “faking it til you make it” - just don’t work! And how a simple but genius mental reframe will change the way you think about confidence (and the results you get from it) once and for all.

Trouble Getting Started:

Does your reality repeatedly fall short of your dreams? I’ll reveal what 99% of the problems you have with procrastination, time management, excuse making are actually about. (They’re not about confidence either…) And a simple shift you can use to put your blocks in the rearview mirror.

Imposter Syndrome:

Ready for another shock? That crushing voice inside your head that shouts “who am I to be teaching this?” or “what makes me an expert?” is actually VERY easy to overcome, when you understand what is actually going on inside your own mind. And WHY it’s happening.

If you found yourself nodding while reading this, the problem is NOT that you need to become more confident!

It’s that you need to UNLEARN embarrassment!

It’s that you need to UNLEARNembarrassment!

And the best way to do that is to watch my
Anti-Confidence Masterclass!

Here’s Just A Small Sampling Of

What You Will Discover:

Sound like a BIG departure from what you’ve heard before?

Trust me, it’s just the tip of what you’ll walk away with!

So … it’s time to stop being polite and

start getting REAL

about what’s REALLY keeping you from the success you want and deserve


suzanne evans

Suzanne Evans is a NY Times best selling author and the only female business coach to make the INC 500/5000 for five consecutive years in a row. Her company, Driven Inc, and its clients have closed over 200 million dollars from the stage. Teaching business owners to simplify their marketing and use speaking for 6 and 7 figure pay days is her super power.

She uses stages to give her the freedom and flexibility to homeschool her six year old son, work part time in the summer from her home in Maine, and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for causes around education and women.

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