Since you’ve already made the fantastic decision to upgrade your Inspired Speaker Live ticket to VIP, I wanted to let you know about a one time ONLY opportunity to start booking speaking gigs BEFORE you even attend Inspired Speaker Live!
I have personally curated 100 AWESOME speaking opportunities for beginning speakers and I will also hand you the EXACT scripts, email templates and even the schedule for following up me and my students have used to book OVER 10,000 speaking gigs since 2008.
Last year I spent well over $25,000 hiring people to find and book speaking gigs for me and my students.
If you were going to hire someone to find you a list of highly curated leads like this it would cost you AT LEAST $5,000.
But because I have a full team finding speaking gigs daily I am able to offer you this list of smoking hot speaking opportunities for JUST $97.
This is the perfect way to start your speaking career IMMEDIATELY and begin generating leads and making high ticket sales.
This opportunity is ONLY available now and I’m sorry but if you don’t add this to your order now, you will NOT be able to change your mind later.
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