Discover The Previously Never Revealed Low Tech, No Ads, Strategy…

Responsible For Generating

OVER 250,000

FREE Leads

For High Ticket Expert Services

And How You Can Start For Free This Week...Without a Website!

Since 2008 my students and I have used this previously

“closely guarded” secret to generate well OVER 250,000 FREE leads for businesses like:

Anne Gordon’s Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats.
Nikki Golly’s Constipation & Food Sensitivity Services
Amy Mcgraw’s Wifi Blocking Grounding Services.
Rich Keller’s College Admissions Branding Services.
As well as thousands of other marketers, coaches, consultants and experts with high ticket offers


Even better, my students and I did this without posting a single ad, creating a complicated funnel, or for some of my students even having a website!

What is the

closely guarded secret that can:

What is this “Secret” lead generating tactic?

It’s Speaking!

Every day in North America alone there are OVER 7,500 meetings, events, seminars, webinars, conferences and other events that NEED speakers.

And that’s JUST in The USA.

Not including Canada or Mexico!

Or any other countries around the globe.

Your FREE lead generation opportunity is LITERALLY limitless!


suzanne evans

And since 2008 I’ve been speaking and teaching other high ticket experts like Anne, Nicki and those I mentioned above how to use speaking to generate OVER a quarter of a million free leads.

And more importantly to turn those FREE leads into a cool 750 Million in sales from speaking alone.

I’ve also written a New York Times Best Seller, personally sold OVER $50 million dollars in coaching and high ticket offers and was the first woman to ever make the INC 500/5000 for five consecutive years in a row.

I’ve even helped celebrities like Olympic Gold Medalist Marion Jones use speaking in her business.

If you’ve already got more leads than you know what to do with this isn’t for you…

But if you’re thinking “That sounds great Suzanne, how do I get started speaking and how the heck do I start using speaking to get red hot leads?”

It’s this simple, all you have to do is watch my BRAND NEW 750 Million Dollar Lead Machine FREE training.

In this short 30 minute video

I’m going to show you how entrepreneurs with all types of businesses from whale wisdom retreats to traditional marketing services like copywriters and agencies can use speaking to start generating FREE leads within 7 days.

Without a website, experience or tons of cash to invest.

You can get instant access to this 100% free training by clicking the button below.

Stop waiting and start speaking to generate FREE leads today!

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Lead Machine

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