NOVEMBER 15th - 17th, 2023

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NOVEMBER 7th-9th, 2023


earn your first (or next)

six or seven figures

CAPTIVATE THE EVENT | NOV 7th - 9th, 2023

Through Speaking, Storytelling, and Captivating Every Audience

Discover the simple keys to ignite attention, end complicated marketing and sales forever and make 2023 your breakout year – just by being and sharing YOU!


earn your first (or next)

six or seven figures

Through Speaking, Storytelling, and Captivating Every Audience

CAPTIVATE THE EVENT | NOV 7th - 9th, 2023

Discover the simple keys to ignite attention, end complicated marketing and sales forever and make 2023 your breakout year – just by being and sharing YOU!

When you sign up now for

Captivate LIVE FREE you receive:

Coach, Consultant, and small business owner,

I don’t have to tell you, the business landscape has completely changed in just the last few years. And not for the better.

If it feels like things are upside down, it’s because they are.

Social media giants have changed the game. Turnout for webinars, livestreams and challenges has plummeted.

What used to bring in big money just months ago, now brings in a trickle.

You’re having to work harder and longer not to get ahead, but just to keep from falling behind.

Complicated internet strategies are choking you. Ad costs have skyrocketed. Funnels are expensive and complex.

With competition heating up and markets saturated, there are thousands of people in your niche all screaming for the same limited pool of clients.

You know you must get your audience to stop what they're doing and turn their heads towards you. But HOW?

Amazing business owners, like you, who want to serve and make good money

are being shut out of success.

And even though you know it's not your fault you feel:

You’re waking up in the middle of the night trying to figure out if you are even cut out to be a business owner.

And wondering if the answer is to work even harder – more hours, more study and more struggle – in the hopes you can finally break through.

to tell you all of these funnels, tech tools, hours of overwork and months of getting yourself up to speed

are 100% unnecessary.

You can do it being WHO and what you are right now…

and I’m going to show you how!

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created for the current crazy business climate,

that uses what’s REALLY working right now! That reveals how entrepreneurs, coaches, small business owners, healers and helping professionals can get the attention you deserve so you can enroll all the clients that you want.

After years of running a multi-million dollar business, including five consecutive years on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies, I want to show you the exact “Captivate to Cash” formula my clients and I have used to create lightning fast profit growth.

So you can leave all of the complicated high-tech expensive marketing strategies behind and create a huge splash in the marketplace, using:

– Visibility
– Attention
– And Captivation

To get all the clients you can handle!

I’ve uncovered the real reason so many revenue growth strategies that used to work are sputtering. Along with what the MOST successful 1% of your industry is doing, that's catapulting them to the top.

And combined those with

5 core captivation keys

with powerful proven business avenues to help create a massive return for you and your business.

I’m presenting it all – a LIVE three-day Virtual Event, you can attend from the comfort of your home – so you can discover how to:

is all of this so important?

Because we live in an

Attention Economy.

The most successful entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants – the ones you know and talk about, that grow their businesses the fastest – have mastered the art of attracting attention by being captivating. They’ve discovered this is no longer optional. It’s not something you can bolt onto your strategy, at the last minute, after you have everything else figured out.

In fact, one of the biggest reasons growing your revenue feels so taxing is you are putting your Captivation Strategy LAST.

It's why people “love what you offer!” but don’t buy.

It’s why you sweat to enroll clients even though “I’m doing everything my mentors and courses tell me to do.”

It’s why you keep diving into tactic after tactic with no results.

When you discover how to Captivate FIRST your business builds faster.
Your business builds easier.
Everything you do connects and creates results.
And grows more naturally because you’re infusing your unique sparkle into the mix right from the start.

Discovering the keys to


frees you from the never-ending learning curve, and accelerates your path to success like nothing else!

How do I know?

Because my unlikely success story – from overworked secretary to multi-seven figure business owner – has been powered by knowing how to captivate.

And after 10 years of working in the Broadway theater industry, 10 years running small regional and educational theater companies and 12 years producing the most cutting edge, magnetic, entertaining events in the industry, I’ve discovered EXACTLY what captivates an audience – both live and virtual.

I’ve worked for Broadway shows that brought in hundreds of millions of dollars.
I’ve done live events that brought in over a million in a single day.

That’s how I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person who gets the most attention gets the most clients. And the most lucrative clients.

There’s just something brilliant and authentic about plugging into the captivating storytelling techniques that move people to WANT to work with you. Without the strong-armed sales tactics we all can’t stand.

I’m combining these decades of discoveries
into a single event that reveals

the Core Captivation keys

that are powering multi-million dollar businesses right now!

When you join us for Captivate LIVE, you’ll discover the five core elements to your own powerful captivation strategy that will explode your business in 2023, 2024 and beyond!

Captivate the Room:

Magnetic speaking strategies that ensure a blockbuster performance at the front of the room, and lucrative response at the back of the room!

Captivate the Reader:

Instantly connect with your ideal audience with every word you write: Whether for a book, a blog, social media or any other written platform.

Captivate with Charisma:

So your secret sizzle leaps from the screen and you create a more magnetic response with all your video, social media, livestreams and other online appearances.

Captivate with Connection:

Ignite interest in seconds and transform everyday conversations and networking events into your personal client attraction gold mine.

Captivate with Story:

Bypass the need to sell forever by mastering powerful storytelling formulas that convert clients better than any script!

Not only will you discover how to deploy these 5 Core Captivation Keys in your marketing, content, video and social media. But combine them with proven precise profit pipelines that skyrocket your response and your revenue!

This isn’t just another business plan. Or “success blueprint”.
It’s the pizazz that puts your client attraction and profit creation machine into overdrive!

Now, I know many of you might be saying to yourself:

But Suzanne, I’ve heard

this all before

“I’ve been using social media.

I’ve been doing some videos, Facebook Lives and even podcast interviews.

I’ve been creating content and sending emails.

I even jumped into private messaging because everyone’s telling me that’s the hot new trend.

But nothing’s working.”

Yes – that’s because you’ve been missing the Captivation secrets that supercharge the success of everything you do. The key breakthrough happens when you KNOW how to infuse everything you create and offer with your own unique WOW.

Your social media sizzles, your video commands attention, and every word you write resonates in the hearts of your ideal client as if you had written the words personally, JUST FOR THEM!

your captivation factor

It’s the one thing that changes everything. That makes everything you touch (even what you’re already doing) turn to gold.

And it’s what you’ll discover when you sign up NOW for Captivate LIVE!

Now I realize you could try to figure this all out on your own.

You could buy another course.

Jump on another tactic “because THIS ONE is hot!”.

Dive back into what you’ve been doing and hope you’ll figure it out.

Plow more money into ads.

Or take a deep breath and throw even more time into trying to figure out that super complicated funnel.

But we BOTH know how that ends.

Instead, why not bet on YOU? And discover how to tap into and channel your own captivation sizzle, and ride it to all the clients you want!

“So Suzanne … how do I become part of this

amazing EVENT?”

In the past, I’ve sold tickets to events like this for upwards of $5000. (I’m actually working on another event right now with that same price tag. And its 95% sold out).

BUT I know where you are. I have been where you are, and realize you’re searching for a formula and a SIMPLE accessible plan to do what you love, to build the business of your dreams.

So I'm not charging $5000, or anything close to that!

Because I want to give you the best of the best for three full days. I want you to fall in love with strategies that are easy. I want you to engage with storytelling secrets and realize what a game changer that is.

I want you to understand that when you get attention you get clients. And the fastest path to attention is not a tactic, tool or platform. It’s to master the secrets of becoming captivating.

I want you to realize this Captivation Factor is already inside you, waiting to be unleashed.

And finally, I want to deliver an amazing experience that you know deep down up-levels your success path forever. And shows you how it feels to be a deeply supported member of the Driven family.

So, for a limited time, you can join us at

Captivate LIVE for just $47.

Mark your calendar now for November 7-9, 2023.

Yup you read that right. It’s just $47 to receive the absolute best business and marketing advice that you're going to get. That’s perfect for 2023 and beyond!

Here’s the bottom line for anyone who wants to

accelerate their revenue in the coming year:

I know from my own success, and 15 years of mentoring scores of six and seven-figure business owners, that having the ability to Captivate on Command is the secret ingredient that accelerates your success beyond what you believe is possible.

It’s the fastest way to get out from under all the exhausting online tactics that are weighing you down, making you work six months or more to “lay the groundwork” before you make your first dime.

And it aligns 150% with the direction the entrepreneurial world is trending.

Those entrepreneurs who combine their own Captivation Factor, with avenues for grabbing the most attention and proven business strategies are the ones building high-impact businesses with explosive growth.

And I have custom crafted this life-changing event so you can become one of them.

Join us by signing up NOW for Captivate LIVE!
It’s all happening November 7-9, 2023.













P.S.- The ability to Captivate on Command has generated tens of millions of dollars for me and my clients. I’ve relied on it time and time agins. And I want you to discover how it can generate record revenue for you as well.

P.P.S. – What you will discover at this event will not only increase the impact of everything you’re doing now. But will save you the heartache of pouring more of your money and effort into tactics that just won’t deliver. The smartest move you will make this year is signing up for Captivate LIVE now!